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Tuk Tuk transportation with 2 people

Items Quantity Price Total Price Without Overnight Total Price With Overnight
Transportation: Tuk Tuk Group $30 $30 $45
Tour Guide Pax $10 $10 $10
Community Tour Guide Pax $6 $6 $6
Lunch Pax $12 $24 $24
Ox Cart or Bicycle Pax $5 $10 $10
Wooden High Bridge Forest Tour Pax $2 $4 $4
Cooking Class Pax $12 $24 $24
Broom Handmade, rice field harvesting, vegetable growing Pax $5 $10 $10
Community facilitator Pax $5 $10 $10
Homestay Pax $8 $16
Dinner Pax $12 $24
Breakfast Pax $8 $16

Grand Total: without overnight $128, overnight $199.

Car transportation with 2 people

Items Quantity Price Total Price Without Overnight Total Price With Overnight
Transportation: Car Group $50 $50 $60
Tour Guide Pax $10 $10 $10
Community Tour Guide Pax $6 $6 $6
Lunch Pax $12 $24 $24
Ox Cart or Bicycle Pax $5 $10 $10
Wooden High Bridge Forest Tour Pax $2 $4 $4
Cooking Class Pax $12 $24 $24
Broom Handmade, rice field harvesting, vegetable growing Pax $5 $10 $10
Community facilitator Pax $5 $10 $10
Homestay Pax $8 $16
Dinner Pax $12 $24
Breakfast Pax $8 $16

Grand Total: without overnight $148, overnight $214.

Big Group with 22 people

Items Quantity Total Price Without Overnight Total Price With Overnight
Transportation: Car Pax $5 $6
Tour Guide Pax $10 $10
Community Tour Guide Pax $6 $6
Lunch Pax $12 $12
Ox Cart or Bicycle Pax $5 $5
Wooden High Bridge Forest Tour Pax $2 $2
Cooking Class Pax $12 $12
Broom Handmade, rice field harvesting, vegetable growing Pax $5 $5
Community facilitator Pax $5 $5
Homestay Pax $8
Dinner Pax $12
Breakfast Pax $8

Grand Total: without overnight $62, overnight $91.

Booking Form

Our team would be happy to assist you with any enquiries.
Please note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

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